Lanark Church of the Brethren
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
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Meet the Pastor

Meet Pastor Lynda  
 Pastor Lynda Willmann, is married to husband Mark and they have a Yorkipoo named Charlie. 
Lynda Willmann grew up attending Neighborhood Church of the Brethren in Montgomery, IL where her parents were founding members. She served in several leadership roles within the church and was involved in the start up of several ministry programs. A Christian pre-school, a Teen Center to reach at risk youth in the Montgomery/Oswego area and a contemporary worship service on Saturday evenings. She was called into set apart ministry by Neighborhood Church and completed the 3-year Reading Course of study. 
Lynda was licensed as a minister in 1997. She further explored her calling as she helped to start a new church in Montgomery, (Christ Connections Community Church) and later helped in the restart of the Faith Church of the Brethren in Batavia as a new congregation, (New Beginnings Fellowship). These ministries saw 20+ individuals baptized over the course of their existence. 
Lynda accepted the call to serve as District apostle in 2006 and was ordained that same year. Her most significant accomplishment in that role was recruiting Samuel Sarpia to start a new church in Rockford, IL. At the point which New Church Development became integrated into the District Minister’s and District Board’s responsibilities, Lynda accepted a call to serve as Executive Director in a large Lutheran congregation in Naperville, IL. She served there four years leaving when a new senior pastor was called with a different ministry focus which eliminated the Executive Director role. 
Lynda accepted the call to the Lanark Church of the Brethren in October 2019.